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受贈寄存 周代陶器展 Nov.01.2023 - Jan.06.2024

展覽地點:國立臺灣大學 藝術史研究所美術館(校史館東側)
開放時間:週三、週六 10:00-16:00


「受贈寄存 周代陶器展」簡介

中國在至今一萬多年前已經開始生產陶器,燒造高溫施釉器的歷史也有三千多年之久,此次展出的陶瓷器則是框定在周代,即自西周(1046B.C.‒771 B.C.)到戰國時期(1046 B.C.‒221 B.C.)。這包括在攝氏700~800度燒成的低溫陶器(灰陶、黑陶和釉陶),以及以攝氏1200度左右高溫製成的炻器(含高溫無釉製品和灰釉器)。後者高溫灰釉炻器有時又被稱為「原始瓷器」或「原始青瓷」。






Donated and Entrusted Zhou Dynasty Ceramics
Introduction to the Exhibition


Chinese ceramic production can be traced back to more than ten thousand years ago, with an over three-thousand-year history of high fire glazes. The collection of Chinese ceramics presented in the exhibition are artifacts of Zhou dynasty, which is from the Western Zhou dynasty (1046 B.C. to 771 B.C.) to the Warring States Period (1046 B.C.to 221 B.C.). These ceramic vessels include potteries fired with a lower temperature between 700 and 800 degrees Celsius (the gray, black and glazed potteries), and stoneware high fired at around 1,200 degrees Celsius (the unglazed ware and ash-glazed vessels). Among these, the ash-glazed stoneware is sometimes described as "proto-porcelain" or "proto-celadon".


The iconic pottery from the Western Zhou period is Li, a kind of cooking vessel decorated with cord-marked pattern. There are Li tripods with divided crotches as well as those with joined crotches formed by hands. Some of them are found with remaining scoot deposits inside, which indicates that they were used as cookware. As ceramic cauldron became prevalent in the Warring States Period, the typical Li faded out. This trend is demonstrated in the displayed Li vessel with level crotch. To serve as a comparison, several remains of ceramic Li from the early Bronze Age found in the northern and southern Yanshan regions are also on display. These objects belong to the Lower Xiajiadian culture that existed more than three thousand years ago.


All the displayed ash-glazed objects are made with ash glaze that contains a high amount of calcium oxide. They are produced through the kilns located in the lower Yangtze River Valley, today's Zhejiang Province, and can be in general categorized as Yue ware. The unglazed, impressed stoneware on display has a chemical composition in its body similar to the ash-glazed ware of the same period. Most of these objects are high fired and produce a crisp sound when knocking on the object. In terms of forming technique, the pottery is first shaped by building up clay coils, and then with a support on the inside, paddled on the exterior with tools bearing patterns. This kind of forming method works to bond the coils tightly, while leaving various patterns. Similar geometric-impressed pottery products are found in both south of the Yangtze River and areas along the southeastern coast of China. However, all the artifacts on display come from the kilns in Zhejiang Province.


The exhibition also displays several glazed ceramic beads, which are processed by applying glass paste to the earthenware. These beads are inspired by dragonfly eye beads introduced from the Western to China and have been found in Warring States Period graves in places like Henan and Hubei. With exotic charm, these attractive items serve the purpose of decoration.


The objects in this exhibition are donations and entrusted by collectors Mr. Chang Chien-hsing, Mr. and Mrs. Hsieh Ming-liang.