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The College of Liberal Arts continuously cultivates its international partnerships. We have 88 active agreements with 42 academic institutions from 13 countries, including 17 college-level and 71 department/center level agreements. The collaboration offers exchange opportunities for students and faculty between our College and sister institutions.



Ghent University

Faculty of Arts and Philosophy


Université catholique de Louvain

Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letter



University of Alberta

Faculty of Arts



Shanghai Theatre Academy


Peking University

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Department of History

Department of Information Resources Management


Beijing Normal University

School of Chinese Language and Literature


Nanjing University

School of Liberal Arts

School of Information Management


Fudan University

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Department of History


Nankai University

Information Resources Management


Wuhan University

College of Chinese Language and Literature

School of Information Management

Department of Library Science


Zhejiang University

Department of Information Resources Management


Tsinghua University

Department of History


Hunan University

Yuelu Academy


Yunnan University

School of Ethnology and Sociology



Univerzita Palackého V Olomouci

Faculty of Arts



Heidelberg University

Institute of Chinese Studies


University of Hamburg

Faculty of Humanities


Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department of Chinese Language and Literature


City University of Hong Kong

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Department of Linguistics and Translation

Department of Chinese and History



The Kazankai Foundation


Kyoto University

Faculty and Graduate School of Letters

Faculty and Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies

Institute for Research in Humanities


Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives


Meijo University

Faculty of Foreign Studies


Tenri University

Faculty of  Letters / Faculty of International Studies


Nara Women's University

Faculty of Letters and  Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences


Hiroshima University

Graduate School of Letters


Waseda University

Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Organization for Regional and Inter-regional Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences


Kanazawa University

Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies


Kansai University

Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies



Yonsei University

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Department of English Language And Literature


Dongguk University

Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Global Language and Literature


Ewha Woman’s University

Department of English Language and Literature


Hanyang University

Department of Chinese Language and Literature


Seoul National University

Department of Chinese Language and Literature


Korea University

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Department of Japanese Language and Literature

Department of Archaeology and Art History



Leiden University

Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Leiden University College

Faculty of Humanities

International Institute for Asian Studies


Erasmus University Rotterdam

School of History, Culture and Communication



Peoples' Friendship University of Russia 

Russia Philological Faculty

Department of General and Russian Linguistics



National University of Singapore

Department of Chinese Studies



Gotland University

School of Culture, Energy and Environment



Mahidol University

English Program Faculty of Liberal Arts



University of Maryland

Department of Theatre
